Academic Standing & Honors


Requirements for the Dean’s List

The Dean’s List honors those students who complete a minimum full-time load of 12 semester hours, have no grade lower than a C, have no Incomplete or IP grades, and have a GPA of at least a 3.5 for the semester.

Requirements for the Chancellor’s List

Students are qualified for the Chancellor’s List if they earn a 4.0 with a minimum of 12 semester hours and have no Incomplete or IP grades.

Latin Honors

Upon graduation, university-wide Latin honors are granted to eligible graduating students on the basis of cumulative grade-point average for those courses completed at UNC Asheville. Students must earn at least 60 semester hours at UNC Asheville to be eligible for Latin honors. In addition to earning at least 60 hours at UNC Asheville, students must achieve the following cumulative grade-point averages on UNC Asheville coursework to be eligible for Latin Honors:

  • at least 3.60 to graduate cum laude
  • at least 3.75 to graduate magna cum laude
  • at least 3.90 to graduate summa cum laude

For the full policies on Academic Honors, please visit the University Catalog.


Academic Standing

Academic standing is evaluated for all students at the end of every Fall and Spring semester for which the student was enrolled, based on hours attempted at UNC Asheville. A student will have one of the following types of academic standing:

Good Academic Standing

To remain in good academic standing, a student must maintain:

  • a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 and,
  • a semester ratio of earned-to-attempted credit hours of at least two-thirds (67%).

Academic Notice

Students are placed on Academic Notice if either of the following two conditions occurs:

  • The student’s semester GPA is < 2.0, or
  • The student’s completion rate (earned hours divided by attempted hours) for the semester is less than two-thirds (67%).

Academic Notice indicates potential academic problems and is communicated to the student and to the student’s advisor and major department(s). This notation appears on the student’s transcript as “Good Standing-On Notice”. Students on Academic Notice are required to complete the requirements of the Academic Success Program in the following semester of enrollment, excluding summer.

Academic Warning

A student whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 is placed on Academic Warning. This status is noted on the student’s permanent academic record and transcript for the semester of the evaluation. Students on Academic Warning are required to complete the Academic Success Program in their next semester of enrollment, excluding summer.

Academic Suspension

A student on academic warning whose cumulative GPA remains below 2.0 at the next evaluation is suspended from the University, unless the student’s GPA for that semester is at least 2.3, in which case the student remains on warning. The suspension period is one full semester and a readmission application is required to return. Students have the option to appeal their suspension, and information regarding the appeal process is included in the Academic Suspension notification email. Academic suspension is noted on the student’s permanent academic record and transcript. Students returning from Academic Suspension will automatically be placed on Academic Notice for at least their first term.

Exception for Summer Enrollment

Students who are on academic suspension after the Spring semester are permitted to enroll in Summer classes, but they are not allowed to enroll in the following Fall semester unless they appeal and are approved to continue.

Suspension Appeals

If you believe that uncontrollable extenuating circumstances contributed to your Suspension, you may appeal to the Enrollment Services Committee to be allowed to continue attending UNC Asheville. Your standing notification email will contain the information on how to appeal.

Returning after suspension

After serving one full semester of suspension, students are eligible to apply for re-admission. Students returning from Academic Suspension will automatically be placed on Academic Notice for at least their first term. Students are also required to participate in our Academic Success Program as a condition of their enrollment.